Cleveland Foodnotbombs (Clefnb) announces an upcoming visit to Cleveland by Keith McHenry, from Sunday April 11th to Wednesday April 14th. Keith is a longstanding peace activist who in 1980 started the first chapter of foodnotbombs and is regarded as the founder of foodnotbombs as a national movement. Clefnb and Keith McHenry will be be holding a series of community events over the 4 day stretch of his stay here in Cleveland. Clefnb hopes that Keith visit will help bring forth a community spirit from which Clevelanders can better approach the problems they find themselves living within. All are invited to participate, all events are free and everyone is welcome.
Information regarding Keith McHenry, his bio and information on foodnotbombs.. keithbio.html Food_Not_Bombs
http://clevelandfoodnotbombs. org
Currently Keith McHenry's public schedule includes...
Information regarding Keith McHenry, his bio and information on foodnotbombs..
Currently Keith McHenry's public schedule includes...
Sunday, April 11th;
Monday, April 12th
- Keith will join Clefnb during Kitchen hours from 1-4 pm. at the Cleveland Food Coop (11702 Euclid Ave). In the Coop community room, we are planning a workshop, showing video and documentaries on fnb and will have soup to offer once it's been prepared. We'd like people to join us either in the Food Coop store, community room or within the kitchen
- We'll be serving a communal meal and distributing food on Public Square from 5-7pm at Daniel's Way (West 3rd and Rockwell). Clefnb has long wanted to return to Public Square to serve food to People for free in a public space. We'll have poetry, music and an information table. We definitely need some help with this community event If you'd like to contribute by volunteering, performing or with donations please email us at
- We'll then meet for an afterparty from 8-10 pm at the Barking Spider Tavern.
Keith McHenry will be speaking at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 7pm. The UU Society is located at 2728 Lancashire Road in Cleveland Hts. This event is co-sponsored by Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice and The Northeast Ohio Antiwar Coalition.
Wednesday, April 14th
Keith McHenry and Clefnb will host a community potluck with an after meal open discussion featuring Keith McHenry answering questions regarding foodnotbombs. To be held at the Cleveland Friends Meeting House starting at 6:30 and is located at 10916 Magnolia Drive (behind the WRHS Museum bldgs). Please bring a dish to share and we request that food items be labeled vegan or not. This event is co-sponsored by Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice and The Northeast Ohio Antiwar Coalition.
Information about the 30th anniversary Foodnotbombs speaking tour:
BAKE GOODS NOT BANK BAILOUTSResponding to the economic crisis and global hunger.A Presentation with Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenryFood Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry will speak about the movements response to the global economic crisis and the increase in hunger. Food Not Bombs is an all volunteer global movement sharing vegetarian food with the hungry and working for peace and social justice. Keith has worked with Food Not Bombs groups all over the world and will share his experiences of cooking and feeding the hungry. Food Not Bombs chapters from Iceland to Chile are busy feeding those displaced by the global economic depression, planting Food Not Lawns community gardens, organizing Really Really Free Markets and housing the homeless in abandoned buildings with Homes Not Jails. Keith will also show a dvd about his work in Africa and talk about how to start a Food Not Bombs group.
Information about Cleveland Foodnotbombs
Cleveland foodnotbombs (clefnb) has been serving food in Public Spaces for free for almost 15 years. We've focused on direct support for the homeless and those struggling under conditions of inequity, mental illness and racism within the Cleveland area. We meet at the Cleveland Food Co-op (11702 Euclid Ave.) on Sundays at 1pm and then serve a communal meal and distributing food downtown on Public Square at 5pm. We also are distributing food to a elderly and disabled housing facility, shelters and the Catholic Worker meal site on Lorain Ave. If you know of a possible serving site for our group please let us know about it. Email Clefnb at
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